I shared with 50 women at Grace Baptist Church’s Women’s Luncheon on May 5:
- Pastors of less than 100 congregants are usually bi-vocational.
- When a pastor says he is part-time, he is being paid for part-time, but working full time.
- Depending on where you get your data, there is 1 missionary for every 200,000 to 400,000 people. That is a lot of friend requests on Facebook. It is difficult to give that many people (if not impossible) quality interaction.
- The church is still polarized regarding social media.
- Average 300-people churches don’t have a large staff. Therefore, it is difficult for one pastor to do both discipleship and run a church by himself.
- Shared about my new role with WorldVenture. It is not uncommon for non-profit organizations to have their social media person do multiple duties. This supported position is important as my duties focus solely on social media and technology, including mobilizing the church to serve online in missions alongside WorldVenture.
- A generation gap is widening. In our post-Christian generation, we need our Senior Adults online more than ever.
Here are the main 3 reasons to get involved with social media and technology:
- Missions need all of us involved in discipleship. Every Bible-believing church. Every solid Christian.
- Lack of discernment and vision is destroying American Christianity. American Christianity is losing influence. With only 7-20% of Americans measurably active in their Christian faith and Bible illiteracy reining, using social media for teaching and discipling is a priority.
- People move from different countries. They have retired from missions. They know a second or third language. Family relationships are international. People in church like this are important for online discipleship and sharing of the Gospel.
**To ask me to speak to your church, please email me or leave a comment. You can send a comment through here: www.worldventure.com/nhahn.