I know it’s been a while since I have edited a video. With raising financial partners, working 36-hour weeks, and, in addition to that, running my social media and websites, time has not been a friend.
I am hoping to get one done by January. When I am 100% funded, I will be able to do this full time, and therefore, have more time to connect with people who have amazing testimonies to share.
Raising support makes life crazy. My last post today posted without anything in the body of the post. This reminded me that I failed to get online today to update the latest in the Wilderness Trekking Series.
This was created using a tablet, a smart phone, and the woman’s own smart phone as mine ran out of room. For the next series, I have ordered a camcorder with a 32 Gigabyte memory card. It’s a cheap camcorder as I have not raised the support yet to run full time ministry. On a church secretary’s salary, I am barely supporting my websites as it is through God’s generosity.
Episode two of the Wilderness Trekking Video Series will be available on my Youtube channel about mid-July. Our focus is a married couple this time who will share an amazing story.
I wish I could tell you the question given to them to answer on our video. I can tell you that we will be hiking the Mingus Mountains.
The Wilderness Trekking Video series, if you are new here, is a series of videos about 2-6 minutes in length that features the trail and the story of the individual we take hiking.
Again, we don’t care if you wish to share the video with your friends privately or share the video in front of a church or a group. We create so we can give freely and generously.
Of course, we wouldn’t be able to create without the generosity of a community of artists who create the music we add to it. Check out Free Music Archive!
May 30-June 3: Editing of video and approval by Jenna of final edit.
June 4: Posting of Episode One on Youtube.
Please pray for good weather and time to edit the video before Saturday, June 4 in time to get approval and post it publicly. I am really excited about this series because it shows what God is doing in and through other people. I hope you will leave comments on the videos. I hope you will share them with your friends.
The Wilderness Trekking Video series will be featured at the end of May, beginning of June. April was not a good month. We are working at scheduling an interview with a couple who has an incredible story to share with you.
The Wilderness Trekking Video Series Begins April, 2016
Based on Isaiah 43:19, the Wilderness Trekking video series will feature stories of people coming out of the wilderness and becoming a new creation through Christ.
The reasons for starting this series will be outlined in-depth in my March newsletter. It was inspired from this video, which is considered a first foray into the idea:
On this particular trail, we encountered people from Brazil, the United Kingdom, and possibly Austria or Germany. The Diaspora possibilities for this series are wonderful, especially when I interview people in their heart language using interpreters. My hope is to encourage engagement.
Tell a story.
Showcase the trail.
Encourage discussion.
There is no better way to bring out a person’s story than trekking through the wilderness among the beauty of the Master Artist’s creation. The mountains and trails have been known to bring out deep discussions, friendship, and the positive side of human nature that isn’t normally present in urban settings.
So when you receive an invitation from us in the mail, email, or by social media, please accept. I want to treat you to coffee and help you share your wilderness experience before you came to know Jesus and accepted Him in your life. This is Man Vs. Wild meets the Travel Channel.
A series like this will showcase the trail and the highlights of the trail with a voiceover and live interview of the person we choose to invite. The hike will be based on the person’s ability so we do not exclude those unable to go longer than a mile.
Until I raise full support as a missionary with WorldVenture, I am restricted through what equipment I can afford like toggling between my tablet and smart phone cameras and using Windows Movie Maker (if my desktop cannot handle better video editing equipment). Also, because I work full time still, my free time will be restricted. In the future, I would like to do these videos once per month. For now, I must only commit to once every other month.