Did You Get a Letter From Me?

You might be asking, “What do I do with this?” 

You were one of 100 letters mailed out in the last few weeks. You might be a church, individual, or business. Whoever you are, here are some suggestions on what to do with that letter:

  • Pray as I serve in this transition between working a day job and working full-time ministry with WorldVenture. In the midst of raising a full years support to be cleared to serve with WorldVenture, I am also working on necessary reports for 2019 social media strategy, managing The Bible Study Project, and setting up Roots Writers and Social Media Critique Group as its own entity as I co-lead it with Sherry Rossman. I’m also attending conferences and keeping up with education to stay relevant in social media.
  • Consider support. Please. Most non-profits do not have someone JUST doing their social media. Most people running a non-profits social media are also doing other things, like pastoring. This supported-staff position with WorldVenture enables WorldVenture to jump into the world of digital discipleship in partnership with you. You would be helping a missionary organization. Whatever the Lord puts on your heart whether that is $8/month or $100/month. Click here to begin that process. Or, feel free to check me out. Contact WorldVenture. Email me to set up a video conference or invite me out to meet you. I am willing to travel. You are also helping the 500 plus workers and partner churches, allies, and individuals understand digital discipleship.
  • Support us because digital discipleship shouldn’t be an individual effort. We should work together to share the Gospel with unreached people groups. The sooner I get to full-time ministry, the sooner work can begin to develop these things. My time is limited now to before or after a 40-hour a week day job.

Thank you for your anticipated support. Thank you for your prayers. Don’t forget to sign up to receive my prayer newsletter.

Let’s Also Make Good Followers, Too

In scrolling down my Facebook news feed, I lost count on how many posts targeted leaders or potential leaders. A great many books and conferences are around leadership, but I wonder how many conferences talk about grooming good followers?

“The headline “Americans no longer want a boss” was seen above a story about a FreshBooks report that says the number of self-employed workers could triple in the next two years.” This came from LVB.com. 

The original article on “Americans No Longer Want a Boss” somehow got lost and deleted in my phone notifications. The above article didn’t go into as much detail as I would have wished, but it matches what is coming from the work force. Somehow, everyone wants to be a boss or a leader (or they want to play more and work less) but where are the good followers–that awesome team of supporters gifted in specific areas that can help the leader in the overall objectives and mission of the company, church, or missionary organization?

Where are the conferences that help create a dynamic work force that encourages each volunteer or employee to treat their places of employment like the mission field?

A conference can focus on the following:

  • Coming to work every day no matter the political climate, work environment, or how you emotionally feel.
  • How to give more back to your co-workers than you receive.
  • Starting the morning with Bible reading and prayer to fortify yourself for the day and to face the day with a “can do” attitude no matter the stress; to pray for difficult co-workers and working situations.
  • How to serve like Jesus in the work place.

Bosses lead the rest of the company forward. Without a good team, a boss will fail. We don’t need Zombies. We need thinking, creative, dependable, and honest workers who can love like Jesus and pursue holiness in their relationship with Him, even if the workplace is miserable.

My magazine is blessed to have such a team. Without them, TRC Magazine would suffer. They are an example of leaders understanding how to be good followers, and followers understanding how to support the overall mission and vision of a company.


Why Rush The Journey?

Weeks like this week make me say, “Lord, will you please hurry this support process?!”

I work in two mentally stimulating jobs that challenge my comfort zone–a Day Job and my position with WorldVenture. Time management is an important tool in my belt.

This week, I came home drained from so much mental stimulation. Don’t tell God you are bored, because He will give you something to do. Ministry is exploding and I am swept away in it while facing the reality of a lack of time. The need for churches (individually and corporately) to learn the proper use of Social Media, to not be afraid of it, or to put aside their prejudices against it is huge. The demand on my time is hard and strangely joyful.

Yet, I am comforted by what the Lord is doing in my life, too. I don’t know what next year will bring, only that I have chosen to live this way with the expectation that God will deliver me. We will get to 100% support and it will be a story of His glory.

So, why cheat the process? Why ask God to hurry what He has deemed an important part of my journey? Every time I fall down, God picks me up again. Every time, I hear rejection, God remakes my heart so that I am stronger and better. God is even remaking our marriage. Every day, we are growing together in the same direction, applying what we are learning in the Bible and in life to our lives.

We are at 29% support. Would you consider a monthly support of $25, $35, or whatever God puts on your heart?

Click Here to Learn More

What Did You Learn This Morning?

Even though my hours have changed, I still get up at 5:30 a.m. to make time to read a chapter in the Bible. My body is already used to rising early after 11 years as a church secretary with Solid Rock Christian Fellowship that continuing this habit wasn’t so difficult. The hours at my former employer were too early for morning devotionals, but my new job allows me an extra half hour Monday through Wednesday that I can get in some quality time with the Lord. In thinking about this, I recall what my friend shared with me the other day.

Her pastor asked her, “What did you learn in your morning devotions?” This challenges her to think about what she is reading in context. I challenge myself the same way. Reading the Bible should not be a check mark on your day, but an immersing experience. It’s quality time with my Father before the day gets crazy. I read the chapter and work all day on focusing on what I read. How can I apply it to myself? What is God trying to teach me this morning? What does it mean? Are there rabbit trails to discover? Sometimes, I’m dead tired from a week that never ends or raising support leaves me barely able to think.

“In the same way, the Spirit comes to help our weakness. We don’t know what we should pray, but the Spirit himself pleads our case with unexpressed groans. The one who searches hearts knows how the Spirit thinks, because he pleads for the saints, consistent with God’s will. (Romans 8:26-27)” 

Spending time with God is more than just a feel-good exercise, but a desire to stay, “…consistent with God’s will.” I love what He is doing in my life, though it can be painful at times. This life has not left me bereft of joy from all the effort, but excited for what God has planned for my future. It does have its challenges, but I know when to rest. I know when to step away and stop doing and just be.

Continue to pray with me as I raise 100% support. My desire is for the church to reawaken from its slumber and become intentional with its social media uses and understand what God is doing in the world with technology. 


You Are Part of the Story

“Will you actually raise 100%?” She asked in a voice full of doubt.

“Yes.” I answered and recalled what WorldVenture said in training–it is not IF we raise 100%, but WHEN. If God has been opening doors to make this appointment possible, then why wouldn’t He raise the full amount? This conversation also reminded me there’s another part of this journey I haven’t considered: How raising full support builds other people’s faith.

You are a part of the story. When you pray with me and/or support me, you are making full support a reality, not a dream or a wish, but a vision fulfilled. You are bringing an umbrella to a prayer meeting that is praying for rain. You are waiting with me in expectation of an answer to prayer. When I get to 100% support, you will be part of that faith story, how God’s people prayed, showed up, and celebrated together a fulfillment of that prayer.

How can you be part of that story?

Fearlessly Looking Forward #bgbg2


It feels like God is nudging me to a cliff. I am standing with my toes over the edge and fearlessly looking out into a grand view. When I look back, I discover I am wearing wings and God has given me the wind in which to fly. 2016 will soon become 2017, and my prayer verse in the CEB of Matthew 4:19 still hasn’t changed. I am still praying for “how.”

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. – John 14:27

With our support down to 14% after exceeding my expectations and appearing to be at 16%, I know I have a lot of work to do, but what I have to fear?

God has opened doors from the time I made a decision to go with WorldVenture to now, and if He has opened doors why should He close them without reaching my goals of 100% support?

I will step through doors that He opens. I will fly on the wind that He provides. 2017 is going to be as busy as 2016 has been with church visits, conferences, possibly school, and individual ministry opportunities.

Will you pray for me?



Support Praise! (Corrected)

“Across northern Africa stretches the largest desert in the world. Yet at its eastern edge is one of the richest and most fertile valleys known to man. The valley of the Nile is not fertile simply because a river flows through it: it is fertile because that river overflows, depositing each year another layer of tropical soil washed down from the jungles of central Africa. The mere flow of our lives is meaningless in the desert world. But the man whose life overflows makes the life of his church as fruitful as the valley of the Nile.” – Henry B. Luffberry (1917-2004)



A mistake was discovered in how someone put in their support amount. We are not at 16% as today originally praised. I will update the numbers soon. It is probably closer to 14%. Help me get to 20% by the end of the month (worldventure.com/nhahn).