I’ve been thinking about this verse.
I’m writing this in a hotel somewhere. The words, “God’s love and Christ’s endurance,” in this verse has not let go of me. I’ve actually never thought of the last two words very deeply until now.
When I think of Christ’s endurance, I think of Him taking my sin on the cross. It sounds so simple said this way, but if you have watched the movie, The Passion, you’d understand His choice wasn’t so simple or painless. He endured.
And so must we…
Matthew Henry’s Commentary says:
“That a patient waiting for Christ may be joined with this love of God. There is no true love of God without faith in Jesus Christ. We must wait for Christ, which supposes our faith in him, that we believe he came once in flesh and will come again in glory: and we must expect this second coming of Christ, and be careful to get ready for it; there must be a patient waiting, enduring with courage and constancy all that we may meet with in the mean time: and we have need of patience, and need of divine grace to exercise Christian patience, the patience of Christ (as some read the word), patience for Christ’s sake and after Christ’s example.”
As I finish out the week, pray for Friday and Saturday. God knows…