Wounded warriors need a good support system. In, When Good Samaritans Get Mugged: Hope and Healing For Wounded Warriors by David R. Stokes, the book gets into Scriptural detail on how Good Samaritans can recover from their mugging and the steps to take for healing. The steps aren’t easy though. Some days it feels like a constant exercise, finding something new you have to forgive in someone else, or even in yourself.
“Making every effort to live at peace,” is often difficult when you consider that the church is a group of believers working through their individual journeys, sometimes reacting or responding out of wounds from their pasts, and once in a while arguing over petty things; mostly, on occasion, reacting when they are challenged to live outside of their normal activities. The book also makes a point to say how we could have contributed to the problems we face when mugged by other Christians. A heavy emphasis is placed on forgiveness.
The book takes us through the steps to grieve, forgive, and move forward with our lives, asking us to focus on the blessings rather than the negative self-talk and keeping our eyes on the future rather than the past. It talks about how suffering is part of the Christian life and the situations that wound us can become opportunities for growth as a leader and a Christian. This book is a warm blanket and a hot cup of cocoa for the hurting soul, designed to walk you through the steps towards healthier church relationships.
*Book given by publisher to review.