Did You Sign Up For My Prayer Newsletter?

Newsletters are done differently with me. Others in my position may send out a newsletter monthly or quarterly (even once a year). Every person should read articles on newsletter marketing. With an average of 50% open rate, newsletters shouldn’t be your only form of communication, but it should be sent out frequently in short bursts for various reasons. I segment my newsletters to respect those that only want to hear from me once a month to those that enjoy reading my devotions at weekly.

My newsletters are also a part of my ministry. Newsletters can influence people. It can provide support and prayer. You can encourage or inform someone with your newsletter. Every person who writes a newsletter should learn how to tell stories. Here’s how it works:


My digest newsletter that is sent out on the first day of each month (or that week) gives my prayer requests in brief and also shares the prayer requests from those who have signed up for my newsletter. Links from missed newsletters are also included in case you wish to read them. Upcoming events are shared. This is kept short and to the point.


My weekly newsletters are usually medium length with videos or photos. They are written devotional-style, sharing a story from the field, prayer requests, thoughts from morning devotions, reminders of upcoming events, or challenges I am facing. If you open my newsletters more than once per month, you are automatically put on this list. Mail Chimp has a rating system and auto updates my lists.

If you would like to get a bigger picture, sign up here for my newsletter. Otherwise, to really get a clear picture of what I am doing with WorldVenture, please attend one of my Living Room Sessions. These happen once monthly.

For those of you already on the newsletter, your prayer requests are due the last day of the month to be included in the digest newsletter. 

Note to churches: If you need to print something for your records, I suggest using the monthly digest as it gives a listing rather than a story of what is happening and upcoming. I also do not post everything online. If you follow me on Facebook or my other social media platforms, they do not give the whole picture or share everything that is happening behind the scenes. For an accurate picture, subscribe here.