Thrive and a Hackathon

How do you participate in TWO great events the weekend of October 20-22, 2017? Thankfully, technology gives us access in small, portable devices like a smart phone and a tablet. Most of the time, Hackathons primarily draw heavily on the coders time rather than the creative marketer and social media person. I’ve only ever participated in helping with the research of a project at a Hackathon.

I plan on being available on Friday with Indigitous after 6 pm and after that time on Saturday. On Sunday, I have all day. Thrive is all day on Saturday with Chandler Bible. As you know, I have been working with them as they become more intentional in social media outreach since last August. They are continually in my prayers.

But I’ve also made some new friends there.

So, it is worth the drive to Chandler from up north to see them.

Click here to learn more about this public event. Let me know if you are planning on attending.

Another Hackathon @indigitous

From October 20-22, I will be joining their online Hackathon as a creative, ministry marketer, and social media person. Click on the picture to learn about locations of this Hackathon.

Change of Plans

I am canceling the Social Media Q and A next Saturday. It’s the weekend before I fly out to Memphis, Tennessee. I am taking the morning off from my work. I will re-schedule for August.

Next Facebook Class for #Christians #SocialMedia

The next Facebook class will be on Saturday, July 22.

Here are some details:

  • Come at 10 a.m. sharp to get help to set up your first Facebook Account.
  • We’ll teach on communication, segmenting, and ministry from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • RSVP required. Because this is a FREE class, it is only open to Christians. I ask that you take some of my prayer cards and hand them out to your friends in exchange for this free class.
  • To RSVP, leave a comment, and I will connect with you.

Those who sign up for the free class are automatically added to two newsletter lists–one for my prayer updates and another to help you succeed in using social media to reach people online. 

SRCF Missions Festival

Solid Rock Christian Fellowship Missions Festival

Thursday, March 30 (6:30 pm)

Fellowship Group Dessert Night – If you are in a Fellowship Group with SRCF, learn about the missionaries attending as guests and stop by my booth to hear more about what God is doing with technology.

Saturday, April 1 (11:30 a.m.)

Women’s Luncheon (Tickets available at 928-778-9790)

A booth will be set up here. You can learn about what God is doing with technology and how you can use it to grow your church. I’ll be there early and stay late for questions.  

Sunday, April 2 (10:30 a.m. service and All Church Luncheon)

After the 10:30 a.m. service here, I will be joining my church partner for their all church luncheon. Consider sitting with me at lunch.

VOM Conference – May 6

On May 6, I will be at the VOM Conference. If you would like to join me or meet for dinner after to talk about what I am doing with WorldVenture, let me know. I do encourage you to attend the VOM Conference itself. This is a free event, but you must register. 

It’s good to learn what God is doing in other parts of the world.


A New Living Room Session

Living Room Session

A Living Room Session is about 30-45 minutes online via Facebook. To join, you can email me your Facebook email address and I will add you to the “secret” group. On March 18 at 9 AM MST, sign on to Facebook and go to the group. Click on the “Live Video” feed and participate in the discussion about technology, Social Media, and what God has me doing with WorldVenture. Many people have questions. Bring your best mug of coffee and join me for a live video chat. The video is not on your end. Just on my end.

So bad hair days, curlers, and no make up is allowed.