From a Congregation Member

“He’s (the pastor) really excited and said this (Digital Discipleship) has freed him from so much that he is able to focus on the larger vision. He has his sermons mostly ready by Wednesday and can do more that he’s wanted to be free to do.”

Missions Door Person

“I see social media as a tool for missionaries to increase contact with partners. I feel more confident using it.”

S from Florida

“I met Nikki over a year ago through the Zoom application used for Bible Study with Gaye. Since then, I have also ‘friended’ her on Facebook and have been able to positively respond to many of her thought-provoking questions requiring me to apply God’s Word. These challenges have often provided the catalyst I needed to minister to others. Nikki also has shared her human side – her cat, room renovation and her love for coffee. Through all of this, it is because of social media that we “know” each other. The discipleship she provides is encouraging, thought-provoking, action-activated, and consistent. Can’t wait to meet her in person!”