Why I Review Stephen King

In a series of short videos, I review Stephen King’s Pet Sematary. I review this because Stephen King is a successful horror writer and people, especially unbelievers, read him. A Christian horror writer once said that horror is really a philosophy. My goal with this three part series is to engage people in conversation about the issues I bring up. You can go here to view all of the series.

Today’s Video:


Coffee With Nikki – Next Episode

The next episode will be Saturday, March 25. Coffee With Nikki episodes are aimed at the technologically disabled or the Senior Adult Christian to encourage them to get online and serve.

To see these consistently every week, please consider how you can partner with me on a monthly basis. I serve online before and after a full time job. My aim is to go into this full time. Without you, I cannot do it. I need people willing to commit to $25, $35, or more per month in a tax deductible donation. You can view my profile on WorldVenture here or press the give link at the top of the page.

With ministry meetings most of the day on Friday, I was not able to get one done. Your donation will contribute towards freeing up my time to mobilize the church and serve online myself.

Honduras: Random Thoughts #SocialMedia

When I went to Honduras, I chose to learn about the country and its culture. I didn’t want to come across as the typical ugly American. Because social media is global, we need to audit our social media so we share biblical truths framed in love and compassion, written or verbally said in ways that culture will understand. Perception is everything.

Wilderness Trekking Video Series Update

I know it’s been a while since I have edited a video. With raising financial partners, working 36-hour weeks, and, in addition to that, running my social media and websites, time has not been a friend.

I am hoping to get one done by January. When I am 100% funded, I will be able to do this full time, and therefore, have more time to connect with people who have amazing testimonies to share.

So keep praying!

Links From The Webinar @EthneCity #missions #SocialMedia



Thank you for attending the webinar today. I will post a link to the video for review or to see it for the first time as soon as it posts. Meanwhile, here are the links where I get all my information. I encourage you to explore and learn more. Think outside the box in how you can use these resources to reach others. God is inviting you to serve in His kingdom.


Ministry Websites:

TRC Magazine

Cataclysm Missions Intl LLC

Note on side projects: The Wilderness Trekking Video Series will be coming late May. Due to illness and training, things had to be reshuffled. 


History of Cybermissions:

Global Media Outreach

Mobile Ministry Forum


The Stats

Internet Stats

More Internet Stats

Facebook Newsroom 

Youtube Newsroom 

Moving Works Copyright Free Videos

Tumblr “Pizza” article


Who is Doing it Right?

Mormon Missionaries (2014)

LDS Addiction Video Featured on Fox 

Mormons Hand Out Book of Mormon at Musical 


Bringing The Social Into Social Media

Ann Voskamp

Joey and Rory Blog

Filipino Cooking

Four Ways to Deeper Friendships by Intellectual Take Out


Stories From The Field

Brian and Kimberly

Nancy Keel (Bible TransMission)

Code for The Kingdom


J.D. Payne “Saudi Women”



***cannot locate the Business Insider Article***

Nikole Hahn on Personalized Ministry


If you would like to join our Technology and Missions Facebook Group, please email me. 

VIDEO: Every Journey Begins Somewhere

This is another experiment.

When I raise full funding as a missionary, I plan on getting Video Corel, an external hard drive, and a better desk top. Meanwhile, I am using a cell phone and a tablet to create short videos, and editing with Windows Movie Maker. I’m not as fond of Windows Movie Maker as I am of Video Corel. I use Video Corel at Solid Rock Christian Fellowship.

The purpose of this video is to share our adventures in a missional way; to connect with people who love the outdoors or people from other countries who are fascinated by the outdoors. Woven into this music-and-scenery-only video are words of comfort and encouragement. Please let me know how you think I could improve this.

The video isn’t meant just to showcase our adventures. The purpose is always to bring engagement with the goal of making disciples.