Roots Met Again!

Authors are burning out. Rewrites, marketing, and heavy expectation often do that. It makes you wonder how we get from a place where writing is an art and fun to a chore?

This is what we discussed at Roots Saturday. I wanted a group that doesn’t replace a writers normal fee-based group, but gives support, prayer, and accountability to writers so they recall why they started writing. We wanted a group that would remind writers of all genres why God gifted them with writing and to never let the journey eclipse their purpose.

Many thanks to Third Shot Coffee at Prescott Gateway Mall for allowing us to meet once a month. To learn more, click here.

Roots Writers and Social Media Group

We have our new website up and running. This writers group has no fees. It is set up as a small group to encourage the writer to become the best Christian leader he or she could become, honing their writing skills to learn how to use the power of ideas to make disciples, not just readers and fans.  Go to this website to view and learn about us:

Roots Writers and Social Media Critique Group

“Roots Writers and Social Media Critique Group is about online dicipleship. It’s a movement for writers to return to the roots of why they write. We live in an age where the power of ideas is far mightier than the sword. Since the invention of the printing press in 1440, Christians have access to more people than in any other time in history via social media and technology, including unreached people groups. Roots is a global movement, gathering Christian writers that share the same Biblical beliefs as what we find here, together in small group style meetings that are free of charge.  Roots encourage our writers to join other fee-based writers groups for the perks of what they provide. We also work in partnership with fee-based writers groups, not in competition with them. 

The writers of roots meet to pray, encourage, and give and receive positive critiques of their work whether that work is fiction, non-fiction, blogs, scripts, and mini-stories posted online. 

The only agenda we have at Roots is to serve the Lord as called and obedient servants through the gift He has given us in the arts of writing.” 

Roots, formerly with Cataclysm Missions Intl LLC, is now its own site. The site is under construction and is slated to be finished by mid-Summer. This is a movement, not a ministry. It is a movement of digital discipleship so writers focus on the why they write and realize the power of ideas. I co-lead it with another.

Be praying for this movement to take off. We did have an interest from a pastor in another state to start one at his church. If you are interested in creating a Roots Group, stay tuned when the website is complete. 



Active Online Ministries

The Bible Study Project

Consider joining, or starting one and be listed on this website. Click here.


Roots Writers and Social Media Critique Group

The website was formerly under Cataclysm Missions Intl LLC. It is now under my new digital discipleship role. The website is located here, but it will be updated later this week with the same information as on the previous website. It will always have a link here directing you to their own website. It has its own brand. I co-lead it with Sherry Rossman. You can find her website here. 

A New Kind of Writer’s Group

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While I still review books at TRC Magazine and CMI (even here sometimes), I have learned that, when it comes to book reviewing, Christians are just as cut-throat about their books as non-believers. Social networking to build up my name and followers just to have the opportunity to publish a book, dried me out.

Like the brown fields of Chino Valley in summer, I dried out beneath the heat of the game between Amazon algorithms, Indie writers sporting an attitude, and making the craft of writing around the sale of the book. If you are a believer, I asked myself, why would you mistreat others because they didn’t like your book? Why would you write a book just to see your name on the cover? Why would you get into writing as a believer and not treat it as the mission field?

So I created a different kind of writers group in partnership with a fellow writer. It does not replace the writers group you are currently in, but enhances it. I wanted a place void of marketing, void of the usual writer walking in with a stack of self-published books asking everyone to review it, and full of the joys and support a small group brings.

You can come to this group with prayer requests, enjoy technology support, and get a critique for all kinds of writing from micro-content on social media to the dream novel; from a missionary looking to write better letters to a blogger who just wants to tell a better story. All are welcome. This group is a place of rest and empowerment to bring writers back to the root of why they write.

Because Matthew 28:19-20 says we must.