I work here when I am not behind my desk at Solid Rock Christian Fellowship in Prescott, Arizona working 36-hours a week. Behind me is a coffee pot and to my right is a sliding glass door to my backyard. On Fridays, it’s quiet in the neighborhood. I love Fridays. I get to start my online work that I lightly do Monday through Thursday.
Why do I love this work online?
I get to minister to people within and outside of my community all over the globe at the tap of a few keys. It’s not light work. No way would I ever call it, “playing.” Social media is ministry and missions. It is investing in people’s lives and helping them through practical and spiritual means. That means, helping them find a church home, be that person to talk to when they feel isolated, and praying for them. It also takes on many different forms.
It’s using every form of communication, like pictures, to make long-term connections with someone online. A conversation you experience in face-to-face happens online, too. It’s a community. It’s not just mentoring, but managing three websites, many social media profiles, and the volunteers associated with each website. It’s heightened creativity. There is no end to the possibilities on how something you create can be used in God’s Kingdom.
Now back to work…