FAQs: Why Do I Review Books on This Site?


Reviewing books is a way for me to refuel my creativity. Unashamedly, it is also a way to receive free books. On a missionary budget, this is helpful. All books will be reviewed from a Christian perspective, but not all books are Christian in nature.

Reading secular books and novels allow me to understand the world in which we live. It’s easy to sequester myself in the coziness of the Christian world, reading safe fiction and nonfiction, but that doesn’t help me learn how to communicate with people from other worldviews.

Writing and grammar also change. This means I have to continually educate myself in trends and new writing styles. With my field being in social media, I also have to read and learn marketing trends. My goal is to make marketing human. Just because I have to market, doesn’t mean I don’t think of people as individuals. I put people and relationships first above my agenda.

 That’s a promise.